APTEC and Meyn
On June 1, 2018, Meyn will commence direct service to its Indian market through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Meyn India Pvt. Ltd, an entity to be incorporated soon.
That date will also mark, to the day, the end of 20 years of APTEC’s association with Meyn in the service of the poultry processing industry in India.
In that period, Meyn emerged as the undisputed leader in the field and set benchmarks for service and support to the industry. To continue that tradition and maintain the existing lead, Meyn is already grooming a fresh team of youngsters.
There comes a time in the life cycle of an exporter or a principal such as Meyn, when further growth in an overseas market becomes tedious were it to continue to be conducted through intermediaries. The physical presence of the principal becomes essential at that stage. Meyn has recognized this and has decided to seize the opportunity.
All this raises the question- will the undersigned continue to be on call at Meyn and will Indian customers continue to receive free comprehensive consulting support as they have in the past, from Meyn, APTEC or the undersigned?
I am afraid not. None of the above. I believe that the Indian poultry processing industry has come of age and ought to pay for services. As an independent technical consulting house, APTEC will be available to offer such services.
Because after handing back the responsibilities of representation to Meyn’s own wholly owned subsidiary in India, APTEC will revert to providing technical consultancy in the field of agro-processing, processed food production, meat production and further processed RTE meat-based products on strictly commercial terms. This is what the undersigned had done for 20 years (1977-98) before taking on the Meyn responsibilities.

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