Since Alok Raj is the principal consultant at Aptec, which was incorporated in 2009, we have assumed an experience-equivalence between the two. Alok’s consulting career began in 1977 with ICB Ltd, an engineering company specialising in chemicals, bulk commodities and mining. Later, before Aptec’s incorporation, Alok independently completed several assignments in agro-processing – oil-seeds – handling, extraction, refining and hydrogenation before starting work in poultry and meat on taking over as country representative with Meyn Food Processing Technology. From mid-2018 (exactly 20 years to the day after partnering with them), Alok and his company Aptec commenced operations independently of Meyn

General Consulting, Technical Audit, Planning, Comprehensive Detailed Engineering and Installation Supervision Assignments
Alchemist Ltd, Kurali, Punjab
This 2000 birds per hour (BPH) plant was set up in 2003 and has undergone balancing, up-gradation and the addition of an RTE facility subsequently. Assignment – comprehensive engineering services.
Alpha Agro and Cold Storage at Belgaum, Karnataka
Commissioned as the first 1300 BPH LEAP (Budget) plant design in India in 2014. Assignment – comprehensive engineering services (this term includes planning and periodic supervision of installation). This plant was later taken over by Suguna Foods.
Anjaneya Breeding and Agriventure, Belgaum, Karnataka.
2500/4000 BPH processing plant to be set up at Girinayakanwadi, Karnataka. Work in progress. Assignment – comprehensive engineering services.
Arambagh Hatcheries, Bolpur, West Bengal
Arambagh had a 1000 BPH plant commissioned in September 1999, expanded to 2000 in January 2002 and then again to 4000 BPH in May 2005. Assignment – comprehensive engineering services.
American University Beirut, Lebanon
Big Foods Ltd, Lahore, Pakistan
Basic engineering and detailed drawings for this 6000/12000 BPH poultry processing and RTE plant. Assignment – designing and planning.
Capon Food Specialities, Uttar Pradesh
This 1000 BPH broiler integration facility was planned in the mid-1990s for a group of investors from India and abroad. Although construction on parts of this project was taken up following approval by banks, the project was wound up for lack of equity closure. Assignment – designing and planning.
Charoen Pokphand (CP), Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh
A new 2600 BPH plant with air chill for the first time in India, Commissioned in December 2015. Assignment – comprehensive engineering services.
CSD, Bangladesh Armed Forces
Three Budget (LEAP) processing plants of just over 1000 BPH each were commissioned in 2012 and 2014. These three plants were the first Budget Plant designs to be implemented anywhere. Assignment – comprehensive engineering services.
G.B. Halal Foods, Karachi, Pakistan
A 2000 BPH facility was commissioned in 2010. Assignment – designing and planning.
Golden Hatcheries, Bangalore
A 3000/6000 BPH processing plant is planned for Davangere, Karnataka. Work commenced in November 2018. Assignment – comprehensive engineering services. Aptec unilaterally withdrew from this assignment in December 2019, by which time basic building design and plant location were still undecided.
H&A Poultry, Lahore, Pakistan
This 1000 BPH plant came on stream in 2006. Assignment – designing and planning.
Japfa Comfeed, Pune
Consultation on establishing a new 3000/6000 BPH plant at Pedgaon, Pune, Maharashtra and revamping a leased 500 BPH facility of Maval Agro, Talegaon, Maharashtra for initiating marketing and establishing their brand. Work at Maval is completed. Work at Pedgaon is in progress. Assignment – comprehensive engineering services.
Kwality Animal Feed, Belgaum, Karnataka
A new 2500 BPH facility was commissioned in 2016. It was then expanded to 3000 BPH in 2018. Assignment for both stages – comprehensive engineering services. The present assignment is to design and plan its expansion to a 100,000 BPD facility to source chicken from for an existing QSR supplier company which plans to buy out the entire Kwality integration.
L7H proposed a poultry integration project promoted by Acharya Institute, Bangalore
To serve a 9000 BPH poultry processing facility to be set up at Olam’s Special Economic Zone in Gabon, West Africa. The project work was started in October 2016, went into abeyance in March 2017, was resumed in April 2021 and wound up in October 2021 for lack of promoter’s equity. Assignment – comprehensive engineering services. The abandoned project is now slated to resume soon, now entirely by Olam. Most of the detailed plans are ready.
Licious, Bangalore
A secondary processing facility for poultry, red meat and fish to form a supply line to the QSR sector. The plant has been in operation since 2016. Assignment – design and planning.
Lifeline Feeds, Chikmagalur, Karnataka
Originally a 1500 BPH locally built plant, it was live-swapped by a Meyn 2500 BPH plant in 2015 and later expanded to 3000 BPH. It is now undergoing balancing and may expand in stages to be taken up to 7000 BPH according to Aptec plans. Assignment – comprehensive engineering services up to 3000 BPH and design and planning for subsequent stages.
Neat Foods Pvt Ltd, Lahore, Pakistan
A 3000/6000 BPH poultry slaughterhouse. Work at the site commenced in February 2012 and the plant was commissioned in 2016. Assignment – comprehensive engineering services. Later this plant was sold to Dawn Mills.
ProTAC Mulbagal, Karnataka
2600 BPH plant was commissioned in June 2016 as a service slaughterhouse. Assignment – comprehensive engineering services. The plant is now slated for expansion in two stages to 7000 BPH for which Aptec has provided design and planning assistance.
Pussalla Meat Producers, Kosgama, Sri Lanka
Consultancy assignment for basic engineering for live-swapping of existing 1500 BPH local plant with 3000/6000 BPH Meyn plant at Kosgama in 2016. Later in mid-2018, for want of adequate space, the project was relocated to Kurunegala and is under construction as a 4000/8000 BPH facility. It is slated for commissioning by end of 2022. Assignment – comprehensive engineering services, including installation supervision.
Reliance Retail
2 Sisters JV, Maharashtra. An 8000 BPH poultry processing cum goat slaughter cum RTE venture was taken up for planning in 2011. Detailed planning was completed and then abandoned when the JV broke up in 2014 on pressure from vegetarian shareholders at Reliance AGM on the one hand and 2 Sisters’ weak financial health following the acquisition of the Dutch firm Vion on the other. Assignment – comprehensive engineering services.
RFK Green, Pulwama, J&K
A new Mega Food Park with facilities for primary and secondary processing of poultry and goat/sheep, goat cheese, natural sausage casing and an RTE facility based on these. Installation of the poultry processing plant is complete and expects to be commissioned in July 2022. The goat processing plant building is half completed – to be resumed after commissioning the poultry facility. Assignment – comprehensive engineering services including installation supervision.
Sagri Foods Pvt Ltd, (now SHL Agro Foods), Kurali, Punjab
This 1000 BPH plant was set up in February 2009 on 1000 sq metres of land, making it perhaps the most compact processing facility in the world. Later, owing to space constraints it was relocated to and expanded in 2013 near Ambala, Punjab when it became a 2500 BPH facility. In 2018 the plant was bought by Suguna Foods. Assignment – comprehensive engineering services and audit of facility in 2018 – also see Suguna.
Sayed Farms Ltd, Ibadan, Nigeria
Basic design and planning for a 2000/4000 BPH poultry processing plant. The assignment was completed in 2014.
Season’s Foods, Lahore, Pakistan
This 6000 BPH facility was commissioned in 2009. Assignment – comprehensive engineering services.
Shalimar Group, Galsi, Panagarh, West Bengal
This 2000/4000 BPH poultry processing facility was commissioned in 2014 and was expanded to 2600 BPH in 2018. Assignment – comprehensive engineering services (first stage only). This plant is now being expanded to 6000 BPH.
Shanthi Poultry Farms Pvt Ltd, Dindigul District, Tamil Nadu
A 1000 BPH facility came on stream in March 2009. Subsequently, it was expanded over many stages to 6000 BPH. In 2018 this plant moved to double its capacity to 12000 BPH and completed it in the first quarter of 2021. Assignment – comprehensive engineering services for initial capacity and expansion to 6000 BPH. The last expansion assignment was limited to design and planning.
Skylark Foods Pvt Ltd, Rai Industrial Estate, Sonepat, Haryana
A 1000 BPH plant was set up in 2005. Assignment – comprehensive engineering services including installation supervision.
Srinivasa Hatcheries (SHL), Hyderabad
Part of a Mega Food Park project with facilities for primary and secondary processing of poultry and goat/sheep and an RTE facility based on these. Work commenced in mid-2016 and was abandoned by the Client within the year. Assignment – comprehensive engineering services.
Srinivasa Hatcheries (SHL) Bayle plant of 1500 BPH at Galsi, Telangana
Audit, rectification and expansion contract took up in 2019. Recommendations have been partially implemented.
Star Foods, Ludhiana, Punjab
To commence operation when the existing lease with Alchemist ends. This is to be a 4000/8000 BPH processing facility. Work commenced in January 2021 and was interrupted in August 2021 with the untimely demise of the MD Ashish Gupta. Work was resumed in February 2022. Assignment – comprehensive engineering services.
Suguna Foods Company Ltd, Vayalur, Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu
Initially designed and set up for processing 2000 BPH in 2002. It was later expanded in March 2009 to 3000 BPH, with the possibility of going up to 6000 BPH on 18 hours operation basis. Assignment – comprehensive engineering services.
Suguna Foods
Technical audit of their newly acquired SHL Agro plant in Ambala district, Punjab in 2018 and several technical audits done in 2003, 2013, 2016, 2019 and 2021 for their existing plant at Vyalur, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. Recommendations of the last mentioned audit report are at present under implementation.
Swamy Feeds
3000 BPH project under implementation at Dharapuram, Tamil Nadu. Assignment for comprehensive engineering services was awarded in September 2019. The contract was terminated by the client a month later, on pressure from plant vendor Marel for Aptec to point out shortcomings in their design. In July 2021, the refrigerated portions of the plant building, then ready for commissioning, were gutted in a fire arguably owing to unsafe construction.
VKS Farms Pvt Ltd (now SKM Feeds), Dindigul District, Tamil Nadu
This 2000 BPH facility came on stream in 2009 and was expanded to 4000 BPH in mid-2019. The company changed hands in January 2015 and became SKM Feeds. Further expansion to 8000 BPH is now under implementation. Assignment – comprehensive engineering services (for the first stage only)
In addition, Aptec has consulted, mainly on design and planning, for Bairaha Farms (Sri Lanka), Captain’s Poultry (Pakistan), Darshan Foods (Gurugram, Haryana), Delhi Agro Marketing Board (New Delhi), Diamond Hatcheries (Hyderabad), Godrej Tyson Foods (Bangalore and Taloja near Mumbai), Hybro Foods, (Mumbai), Indian Broilers (IB) Group (Rajnandgaon), Kazi Farms (Bangladesh), Nelna Farms (Sri Lanka), Riverdale Foods and Feeds (Talegaon), Sneha Farms, (Hyderabad), and Venkateshwara Hatcheries (Kamshet and Karnataka).
Aptec designed the Budget Plant concept in 2011 which is now being promoted, with Aptec’s permission, worldwide by Meyn under the brand name “LEAP”. It allows a low-budget start-up at 1300 BPH, to be expanded seamlessly and without interruption to 5000 BPH. In March 2021 Aptec proposed the Hub and Spoke Model of poultry slaughterhouse planning, which you can read about in the March 15, 2021, Report on the Processing Industry on the company’s website
Aptec’s plans titled “The Road Map to Developing India’s Poultry Processing” have appeared on pages 26, 27 in the September 2021 issue of Asian Poultry Magazine.