Turnkey Engineering Services
Aptec Joins a Consortium Offering Turnkey Engineering Services
In this arrangement Aptec will provide domain expertise and technical consulting services, Orkay will undertake traditional construction services and NeuWave Capital will help raise capital where the client requires this service. Le Bat will bid for projects, design building and structurals, supply prefabricated sandwich panel and galvanized structural to be integrated with conventional brick and mortar construction using local materials where required. Le Bat will also provide comprehensive project management services.

APTEC and Meyn
On June 1, 2018, Meyn will commence direct service to its Indian market through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Meyn India Pvt. Ltd, an entity to be incorporated soon. That date will also mark, to the day, the end of 20 years of APTEC’s association with Meyn in the...
New Aptec Consulting Policy
For 15 years it has been the policy of Aptec to provide free consulting service over the duration of every project life cycle in the poultry processing industry in India, for all customers of Meyn. Naturally, such service commences in good faith from the time the...